Thursday, January 27, 2011


Picture courtesy

I stare upon your face
Yet I have no idea what you look like.

In the silence of my thoughts I hear you,
Yet these ears have no idea what you sound like.

In the shadows of the morning,
You walk with me,
Yet when I look there’s no one there.

Even in the back-alleys of this unforgiving
Street called life,
I feel your presence,
Yet these eyes have no idea what you look like.

In the darkest of days,
You somehow make me see past all the darkness,
You shine so bright,
You bring me hope.

So in the comfort of my room,
Where there’s none other but you and I,
I pick up a pen and begin draw,
A picture of one
I’ve neither seen nor heard before,
All I come up with is a smiley face,
Each time I try draw a picture of you,
For you bring me smiles on each and every day.

Irrespective of time and place,
You’re always perfectly placed,
My smile has never been in doubt,
You are divine grace,
You always take me to a happy place,
You are smiley face.


  1. awwww howw cutee! :)

  2. Hand-built, thank you so much. i appreciate you reading. please, come again soon :)

  3. Anonymous, thanks for the read. drop by again soon...appreciate having you here..

  4. Hi there :)
    This is an adorable picture!
    I'm curious... does your poem/lyrics have got to do with God? :)
