Friday, April 15, 2011


Picture courtesy

Comes dancing on the wall
Through my bedroom window
Straight at me….
Shoo!! Shoo!!
I cry out loud,
It never shoos,
Leaves when it wants to
Regardless how loud I shoo.

Every morning,
Like clockwork,
Where the plantain leaves run
Astride the brick wall,
There it lies
Sleepy as always,
It yawns
Covers its mouth with a paw,
Rolls over once
Then twice
Sometimes even thrice
Then it falls asleep.

At night,
Before ten,
When all sit still,
It wiggles through an opening
Under the metallic gate
Tiptoes across the compound
Heads for the garbage shoot,
Shoo!! Shoo!!
I shout at it through the
Glass door,
It stops and stares
Almost looks offended.

The door creaks on its hinges,
I go charging out,
Guess what,
It finally shoos,
Slides through the opening
Underneath the gate
But far from gone,
I spy paws from where I stand
Till I hurl a stone and it hears
A distinct bang as stone impacts metal
It bids its time,
Patience really must be a virtue.
For months now
Not once have I bolted the
Garbage shoot shut
Yet garbage sits in there
Idle and untouched.

I no longer see it asleep atop the
Brick wall in the shade of plantain leaves,
It no longer comes prancing up and
Down the wall outside my bedroom window
Staring at me as though I were the intruder.

Never really a friend of mine
Never really my own
We just grew on each other as time
Went by,
I miss that grey and white cat.

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