Picture courtesy www.nydailynews.com
And I came across
That white shone
Though it was without
Light and in the midst of that
Which was dark
It stood out among the black
For it was pure white,
It was salt,
I had not journeyed this far for salt,
Therefore I carried on,
Learnt nothing from the salt that I had found.
The further I went
The more salt I found,
Till came that time when
I picked it up and embraced
That which was far from sweet,
For it was not coincidence
That had sent salt my way on my
Quest for that which is neither
Dark nor sour to the mouth but
Rather pleasing to the eyes
And has the power to bless and
Corrupt both the mouth and mind
With neither fore-notice nor prior warning.
And the more I embraced that
Which was distasteful and painful,
The more I began to see beauty in the unpleasant
Blessing in the unfortunate
Peace in that which wrings the heart and
Causes the eyes to birth tears
Lessons in that which had been hidden in plain sight,
For these eyes and mind had been
Dulled by a world filled with
Neon lights
And empty smiles.
In embracing salt I’ve found wisdom
In its sour taste and light in the
Midst of that which neither shines nor
Is capable of bearing light,
In darkness light does dwell,
In light darkness does dwell.
Till come that day when you can bathe from head to toe in tears you shed for that unfortunate event, bide your time, cultivate hope and dare to dream….embrace your salt.