Picture Courtesy: www.chicagohs.org/history/capone.html
He was born on January 17, 1899,
Father was a barber,
Mother a seamstress.
School dropout by age 14,
He worked odd jobs,
Threw a few scams here and there,
And later on had stints with small-time gangs.
In early December,
He fathered a son,
Got married later that December.
During the prohibition era,
His name became synonymous with lawlessness.
He embraced a life of violence and crime,
Calling his line of work one of supply and demand.
After brazenly orchestrating the
“Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre”
On February 14, 1929,
He was indicted on charges of tax evasion in 1931
And handed an 11 year sentence.
He called Alcatraz home for most of this time,
Syphilis he had contracted in his youthful days
Led to a decline in his health while in prison.
He was paroled on November 16, 1939,
On January 21, 1947, he had a stroke,
Contracting pneumonia three days later on January 24,
He suffered a fatal cardiac arrest the next day,
Alphonse Gabriel Capone popularly called Al Capone
Was then laid to rest in Chicago, Illinois.
Sources: www.chicagohs.org/history/capone.html, Wikipedia
Picture Courtesy: www. nndb.com
Born July 30, 1863,
He was the son of a farmer.
In his early teens, he gained the reputation of watch repairman,
For he had been dismantling and reassembling timepieces
Of friends and neighbours.
He lost his mother in 1876.
His father expected him to eventually take over
The family farm, to this he said,
“I never had any particular love for the farm – it was
The mother on the farm I loved”.
In 1891, he became an Engineer,
In 1893, he began experimenting on gasoline engines,
Which culminated in the completion of a self-propelled vehicle
Which he named the Quadracylcle in 1896,
His first attempt at setting up his own company
In August 1899 was a complete failure.
However, in June 1903,
He found willing investors and setup Ford Motor Company.
In October 1908, Ford Motor Company introduced its first
Car called the “Model T” onto the market,
In 1927, Ford Motor Company discontinued production of the
“Model T”,
By then, there were 15,007,034 of it on the streets of America.
Henry Ford died in 1947 of a cerebral hemorrhage.
However, Ford Motor Company still remains a global
In the automotive industry.
Source: Wikipedia
Picture Courtesy: www. mass-murderers.com
Born April 23, 1968,
He was the only son and second of three children,
At age 10, his parents divorced,
He was raised by his father.
In high school, he hacked into government systems,
He was named “Most Promising Computer Programmer”
In his senior year,
Aside that, he was an underachiever
And graduated with relatively poor grades.
He was introduced to firearms by his grandfather,
Becoming increasingly fascinated by them.
At age 20, he enlisted in the army,
And was awarded a bronze star for fighting in
The first gulf war,
He was discharged honourably from the army in May 1992.
With no friends, a job or property,
He became transient, disillusioned and anti-government,
After receiving a letter informing him that he had been
Overpaid $1,058 while in the army and would need to pay back the money,
He wrote an angry letter back saying:
“Go ahead, take everything I own, take my dignity,
Feel good as you grow fat and rich at my expense,
Sucking my tax dollars and property”.
On April 19, 1995,
He detonated a truck laden with explosives
In front of a government building,
168 people died in the explosion, 19 victims were small children
And babies, 450 others were injured,
He then became known as “The Oklahoma City Bomber”,
On August 10, 1995,
He was indicted on 11 federal counts including:
Conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction,
Use of a weapon of mass destruction,
Destruction by explosives
And eight counts of first degree murder,
He was convicted and sentenced to death.
He later sated that his only regret was that he had been
Unable to level the federal building completely.
Timothy James Mcveigh also known as
“The Oklahoma City Bomber” was executed by lethal
Injection on June 11, 2001.
His body was cremated and ashes scattered at an undisclosed location.
I fear neither death nor man,
What I fear most is the human mind.
It has a capacity far greater than
Any storage device ever known to man,
Playing a part in all bodily functions
From speech to gestures,
Love and hate,
I’m of the firm belief that the mind is the
Greatest form of technology that forever
Surpasses technological advancements of man.
All advancements ever known to man have been
The brainchild of the human mind.
Truth be told,
All men when given the right circumstance and opportunity
Can either give birth to acts deemed wrong or right,
Question still remains,
War, rape and greed,
Are these not offspring of the mind?
Love, benevolence and innovation,
Aren’t these offspring of the same mind?
These are the reasons why I fear the human mind,
For it is the only thing capable of anything and everything,
It all begins with the conception of an idea.