Picture Courtesy: www. freedigitalphotos.net
If any of you ladies believe
I’ll tell you this much, here and now on this very day,
Please let go of your tired mantra,
Aren’t you tired of singing these tired cacophonous songs?
There are no such things as stereotypes,
Only different types of stereos,
Truth be told, not all men are cheats
Not all men cheat,
Fact that some choose to cheat,
Does not make all men cheats.
Kindly get off your high horses,
Who gave you the honourable tags of saints anyway?
Who does more or less of what does not matter here,
Looking to argue out degree?
Hang on a second; I’ll get you a thermometer,
Go take the earths temperature,
Bet it’s a thousand degrees and rising
Like bread in a baker’s oven.
Fact of the matter is,
There are cheating men and cheating women,
Men lie, women lie,
Big deal, boohoo, get over it.
And a host of other warped character traits,
These are not gender specific,
They never have and never will be.
They are traits of all humans
Regardless gender, male or female,
Such things are inherent, innate
Woven into the very fabric of human being.
To the guys!!
The word player only makes reference to
A boy, not a man,
Foolishness of youth and stunted growth,
Under developed in thinking
One nursing emotional imbalance,
Stuck in his puberty,
Still living in his chest and armpit hair phase,
Incapable of committing to anything,
Finding glory in trifle and useless drivel,
Embracing grainy pictures of a grainy future
With the words “I shall commit to something in the near future”
Plastered across his forehead.
Ladies are no conquest,
If that’s what you’re after,
You’re better off scaling a mountain
Or better still, go jump off some jagged mountain peaks.
Treat them right,
Don’t be sissies, be men,
Don’t give them roses, be the rose,
You’re never there yet till a lady calls you her rose,
For that is what real men are, ROSES.
Quiet down in the gallery,
Let’s wrap this up,
In picking oranges off a tree,
If you end up picking only bad ones,
Does that mean all oranges are sour?
Or all orange trees give bad oranges?
Definitely not,
Then again,
Should you not shoulder blame for picking terribly?
Were you under any form of duress?
Certainly not,
You probably might be skilled at making poor choices,
Ever considered that?
Think about it, your choices speak volumes of you.
Whenever you pick out things
Which initially give you the illusion of excellence,
Being perfect,
Only for you to realize them defective and unwholesome later on,
Do not go about pointing fingers,
Kicking dirt, huffing and puffing
Gung ho trigger happy fighter plane pilot,
That’s nothing more than misplaced energy.
Come to terms with it,
You’ve been gullible, we all are sometimes.
Calm down, sit back, take stock,
Debug your system
Ready it for the next run,
What run?
Stop deluding yourself,
Take a breather; look at the big picture,
There’s always another trial run,
Best thing is,
Don’t get caught pants down when that time comes,
And please, stop looking down your nose
Like some hotshot Wall Street banker in a dotcom boom,
With chest puffed out like some all knowing bogus Indian guru,
Singing songs of
I’ve seen it all, done it all,
With that been there, done that attitude of yours.
Instead, be dynamic, learn to adapt
Mix it up a wee bit, vary the play
In adapting, draw from certain positive influences,
And terrible experiences too,
They all count for something in this life,
In allowing positive influence,
Refine your ideals,
Debunk assertions and assumptions,
In doing so, you draw closer to reality,
A reality that enables you realize that,
People are not books that we read,
They are neither slot machines nor roulette wheels
On which we bet and guess,
Getting to know people is an eternal journey,
We might fail on more occasions than succeed,
Yet that is not reason enough for us to surround ourselves
With felines and teddy bears calling ‘em cute and cuddly,
While building concrete walls around ourselves.
In getting to know someone,
Everyday is a new lesson,
An extra day spent with another
Is a step closer to a perfect fit.
People will always be unpredictable,
Trust me,
Those you consider most predictable
Actually are the unpredictable ones,
Take another look, you’ll agree with me.
Drawing conclusions only leaves you looking silly,
Rather look carefully,
Think on your feet, do it quickly,
Leap smartly
And invest in an oversized cushion
Just in case you suddenly find yourself in a free fall.
It's best to always be on the right path. It's long-lasting cushion; one which doesn't require quick fixes and short-run remedies.
ReplyDeleteI love the last part about the cushion. It reminds me of the GLICO advert. I like dis piece man. Guess its time we all grew up!
ReplyDeleteArmah, quick fixes, short-lived remedies and one-track minds never led to long term solutions...gud morning bro...
ReplyDeleteDave, it's abt time bro...no such thing as stereotypes, jst different types of stereos..lol...never hurts to invest in a cushion, saves lives..ask de dude from de advert...lol