Picture Courtesy: www.gawker.com
Days go by,
Months come and go,
We count the years,
We grow older.
Back when he was 18,
He could do the moonwalk,
For a good 500 yards,
Barely breaking sweat,
He could probably run a marathon
There and then if he wanted to,
All could make out his six pack
Underneath the jersey he wore,
A bastion of health,
A fountain of youth.
Back when she was 18,
Walking on the sidewalk,
All would stop and stare,
It was as though she had been
Poured into the clothes she wore,
Every inch perfect,
Firm bosom,
Forget the pushup bra,
Flat tummy,
Curves perfectly positioned,
Hips swaying from side to side,
Rise and fall,
Wave after wave,
Lulls you to sleep,
In perfect harmony and unison with the wind.
Almost as though she were a painting on a canvas.
He’s 70,
Can barely walk let alone dream of a sprint,
Sporting a one pack,
None would believe he ever had a six,
She’s sixty five,
Clothes hang loosely by her sides,
Barely elicits a stare,
As though she never was sweet sixteen,
Only time you stare’s when she trips and falls,
Old age,
It sure does come with the job.
Forever young,
How wrong,
Far from wrong,
It is wrong,
That you think forever young
We are what we eat,
We do as we think,
We probably might fail do the moonwalk
Nonstop for a whole mile,
But what stops us from it for doing half a mile?
You can still elicit stares
While dressed decently even at sixty five,
That is true beauty,
It never ages.
All who are born,
Grow old,
But you can still be pretty at eighty
And do pushups at age seventy-five,
It’s all up to you,
You may be older,
But it’s never over,
Not even by a long shot,
Don’t pull over,
Show’s far from over,
Older but not over.
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