Picture Courtesy: www.public-domain-image.com
As if walking blind
Or feeling our way around
When it is pitch dark where we stand,
We all live our lives
Out on the ledge.
Like trapeze acrobats,
It takes very little,
For us to come hurtling down,
At least the acrobats have safety harnesses,
We only have our conscience,
Our only companion out on the ledge.
As we walk the tightrope of life,
We fail realise the simplest of things,
Come tomorrow,
We just might be in freefall
Or hanging on tight for dear life,
That is life out on the ledge.
Success and failure,
Sanity and insanity,
Sadness and happiness,
Lines between the above opposites,
Are so grey
So thinly veiled,
Boundaries so undefined,
We’re more often than not,
Left asking one question,
How best does one live life out on the ledge?
It takes surprisingly little to push us over the edge.
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