Picture Courtesy www.geekologie.com
There we sat,
Myself and time
Behind balls of kenkey
Fried fish and hot pepper.
Dripping noses
Burning faces
Tongues protesting,
We ate as though
The meal our last.
Halfway through,
I lifted up my head,
Only to find time
Fast asleep.
Intoxicated by fermented corn,
Dead still,
Had become time.
I rose to go tell the world,
We have all the time,
Do not make hay,
The sun does shine forever,
Fret not,
Time and tide does wait upon man.
I never made it,
Fell face down
After five steps,
Then it dawned on me,
Fermented corn does intoxicate time,
It does man too,
None really can bewitch time,
In the end,
We all run out of time.
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