Sunday, December 19, 2010


Picture Courtesy

The sun stifles a yawn,
With rays of light
Shooting out of its mouth.

A dung beetle hurries along
On tiny legs cumbered
By a load twice its size.

Trees in tears,
Leaves in freefall,
They scurry into heaps
And lie still.

Up above,
A bald eagle circles
Waiting anxiously
For a morning meal.

The wind hums a tune
As it goes by
Waking sleepy leaves
Who shoo at it
Looking visibly annoyed.

Monkeys in a cacophony
In a bit to outdo
The feathered choir
Boasting talent from
Left to right.

A porcupine hides
In the thicket,
Quarreling with quills
While daydreaming of
A morning tan.

The slippery slitherer
Sweeps the floor
In camouflage and fatigues
With something sinister in a hiss.

Tea drinking termites
Peacocks at the featherstylist’s
Baboons frolicking in hammocks,
It’s utter madness to the untrained eye
Yet even with everything looking
So out of order
And everyone else looking out of place
There remains a perfect order
To this disorder,
Look closely,
You’ll find it all in order.

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