Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Picture Courtesy:

When it is dark,
I can see the sun,
Think me wrong?
Just look within the margin of error.

Lines so straight look crooked,
Lines so crooked look straight,
It’s all within the margin of error.

Gnawing at fingernails,
Underneath clouds foreboding terror,
That’s life in the margin of error.

Drunk on adrenaline,
High on frenetic fervor,
Only when within the margin of error.

I can argue red as green,
You can choose call me off colour,
But it’s all within the margin of error.

In turning left,
I can argue doing so to the right instead,
For I probably speak of your right,
Not my right,
It all depends on where you stand,
Am I not within the margin of error?

The no man’s land,
Where all are neither upright nor transgressors,
Only in the margin of error.

There are no certainties in life,
Grey is the only certainty in life,
Everything else is within the margin of error.

1 comment:

  1. truly natural, there are indeed no certainties in life. And i can read several meanings into the line "it depends on where you stand". Life is can only be lived within the margin of error. Big ups sir
