Picture Courtesy: www.fleetgpsconsulting.net
Today, I dropped my train of thought
For it was taut,
In so doing, thought I’d soften its demeanour,
Oh boy, what a dreamer.
It broke in several pieces,
Left me picking up the pieces,
Just so I could find within me some amount of peace
Among scattered thought pieces.
Before you I place these broken thoughts,
In several disjointed pieces,
So you can help me put them
In a near perfect pattern,
By then we would have managed
Piece together my train of thought.
Colourful me cheerful
Colour me golden.
Patch my frayed knees up with crazy glue
Paint me in streaks and stripes,
Of silly blue,
Paint brushes, bristles
And feathers dipped in gooey ink,
Bathe me at half past thirteen in morning dew,
As I dance on the lawns,
Making eyes at you like Pepe Le Pew.
You must think me crazy by now,
Wont fault for I’d think me crazy too
If I were in your crazy shoes.
Thought I’d leave this page blank,
But look at what you made me do,
Couldn’t even get it right
Trying imitate a blank page.
You can call me all you want,
Almost all that and more just might perfectly fit,
I bleed ink
Got paper cuts in reminders,
Webbed tracks in word footprints
All over my chest while asleep at night,
I’d write on plantain leaves given half the chance
But I doubt those leaves would be appreciative of that,
Maybe someday
If given the chance,
I’d go write a piece on the Great Wall of China,
With Kung fu and guns
Hot on my inky trail,
I might end up doing things so many
A few too many
Or few short of many
But there’s one thing I can never do,
Never expect me to leave a page blank
I was born to blanket the blank pages,
Fashion clothes for them out of words
In colourful ink,
Make them dance in closed circles
Listening to the sound of rhyme
Draped in tailor-made suits and ball gowns,
My greatest failure till this very day remains,
My inability to leave a page blank.
Keep on keeping on!
ReplyDeleteArmah, sure thing bro, we're keeping on....