Picture Courtesy: www.preapism.com
Higher ground,
In the slums of society,
I found.
Among the cardboard shacks,
Muddy pathways,
Dirt strewn landscaping,
Pungent smells,
Vices dwell.
Runoff of society,
A well of free flowing poverty and disease,
The pauper’s
Shanty towns of miseducation,
The lowly human condition.
Tis true,
Vice here does dwell,
Yet our vice sure does have a conscience,
Semblance of common sense.
In the halls of power
Greater vices
And genocides do dwell,
And what do we do to stem the tide?
We legitimize,
The atrocities of crooked leaders,
Giving them crowns and tiaras in coronation,
Thank yous in appreciation,
For ineptitude.
Out in the market squares
And slums,
The by-products of their crooked ways dwell,
Yet you call me
What’s wrong with society.
How easily you forget,
Every new car,
And house you freely give out,
To leaders,
In the name of rule of law,
And service benefits,
A hundred brothers or more,
Add to our numbers,
Society’s slum dwellers.
You call me a slum dweller,
And I couldn’t agree more,
Chalets and apartments fit for kings,
Yet reserved solely for the poor,
With a hint of acrid humour,
But our poverty and vice
Cling to the walls of power
Like starch on pressed shirt,
Testament to the very failures of society,
Yet society comes at us,
As though we were weeds,
Disfiguring lawns with manicured toe nails.
Looking to make an aesthetic example
Of modern day people living in trees,
But please,
Before I leave,
A question,
Do permit me,
What did society ever do for me?
All gutter rats were born in the gutter but not all gutter rats will die in the gutter.This all I can say bro...for not all birds are meant to be caged, for some have what it takes to make us even regret of caging them.
ReplyDeleteAgyei, as always, you tell it all so beautifully bro...i have nothing more to say..i'm guessn you're yet to read today's note...it's been a day like none other on the pieces....
ReplyDeleteThe only thing you cannot rob me off...my conscience and that alone is enough to change every status of mine. I wonder at times whether some of these people even have theirs..... This is a good work and i love it.
ReplyDeleteEddie, if we should hapn to lose everything, we should do our very best to hang onto our conscience...it is the very foundation on which we build our lives.....