Picture Courtesy: www.egreyes.blogspot.com
Yet fully awoken,
Dog tags and shrapnel,
My perfect love tokens,
Pinned to my chest,
Like a soldier’s medals,
By mercenaries of grieving years,
Clad in tears,
My yesteryears.
Cuts and bruises,
Time does heal,
But emotional wounds do more,
Than just make the heart sore.
Hangover emotions,
My banana peels,
Slipped and fell,
Mid-turn in a triple cartwheel.
Doc’s verdict on my condition,
He said,
My only medication.
Missing keys in F-minor,
My heartbeat,
The unending cacophony,
Of a soothing rendition,
That farcical composition of,
Winded wind instruments,
Stringless string instruments,
Poisoned percussion instruments,
Squabbling harmony,
A heart’s nightmarish symphony.
Then you came along,
Like the stars,
My eyes did twinkle,
This bit of emotion,
I did understand,
Double-steps and pirouettes
My heart,
In a duet,
At the sight of you,
Two became a quartet.
Days on end,
I tried disrobe a grieving heart,
Clad in black,
Cheerful in tears,
Reliving past years,
Through to the last second,
Cumbered by ghosts of dreaming years,
And supper,
With them,
I continually dined.
I the host,
A hole in heart,
With each day,
Cried a bleeding heart,
By yesterday’s blood.
In my face,
You found missing, emotion,
But how does one teach a dead face,
Long gone,
Like the lost tomes of Egypt,
Stolen from the libraries of Alexandria.
My smiles,
You called grins and grimace,
You labelled much colder than a lit furnace.
You found comfort in the covers,
You became evasive.
Final straw,
The camel’s broken back,
You grew tired,
Became distant,
Perfume in the distance,
My only goodbye.
Unfortunate my plight,
I, that sorry a sight,
Nursing old wounds,
My chronic affliction,
You my duty,
Efforts summed up in dereliction,
Missing emotion,
Counted for little,
Dogged devotion,
Wishful thinking,
Only a fool’s notion.
Months on end,
My face a blank page,
The few written pages you found,
Had missing pages,
Countless outings,
There I sat,
Yet absent,
Frosty and icy,
Had become second nature,
Somewhat of a fixture,
But I could have been better,
If only patience had bestowed upon me,
For I was on the mend.
I read out the last chapters
On your departure,
My only regret,
I could not help you understand,
Not beyond repair.
The Graveyard Shift, that's wat's up.more grease to your elbows ma brother
ReplyDeleteThank you....do come again...i'd appreciate that very much...hav a great weekend...
ReplyDeleteoh men!!! this is a one time classic piece. I saw myself in there a couple of years ago. I think i am going to prescribe this to one lady friend in need. I simply love this...
ReplyDeleteEddie, we are only as broken as we say and think we are. in truth, all we really need is time and a little repair. we're never beyond repair bro....